Wednesday, March 13, 2013

North Bend, March 2013

Cool Guy, Burt, and I went to North Bend SP on a fine, fine Sunday, March 10.  I think the high was around 70.  Yeah!

Our hike covered Overlook Trail, and we added part of Lake Trail onto that in order to take a good close look at the dam.  It seems that dams are invading all my hikes of late.

We took Overlook going clockwise.  First we went down, down, and at the bottom needed to cross a stream by hopping rocks, a task Cool Guy loved.  Then we walked through a pine plantation.  We saw lots of fallen trees, probably from winter storms, but the trail was clear and well-blazed.  We enjoyed listening to the trees creak in the breeze.  After going through the pines, we came to the dam overlook.  From there we left the Overlook Trail to follow Lake Trail so the guys could get right up to the dam and see it from the other side.  Cool Guy enjoyed that part, and Burt enjoyed explaining about dams.  I sat on a log in the shade because it had gotten mighty hot.

After admiring the dam, we got back onto Overlook, where we walked alongside the Hughes River for a bit, and then went inland among huge boulders.  Along the way we saw a trio working their way up a rock face. After passing the rock climbers, we went through a rock tunnel, and just saw more neat rock scenes than anywhere else.  Why does no one know about this fantastic hike?

After the rocks, it was up, up, up through deciduous woods until we arrived at our car.  Total distance for Overlook was 1.2 miles, and the Lake Trail bit was an extra mile added on.

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