Thursday, March 7, 2013

Overlook Trail, North Bend SP

While at quilt retreat, I was fortunate enough to go on two hikes.  The second, done on Feb. 21, was the Overlook Trail.  We - Nanny, Charlie, Becky, and I - had to drive in Becky's new truck to the cabins to begin our hike.  It was cold out there, but the sun was shining.  It was definitely worth the time and trouble.

Overlook began with a descent and wound through woods, but round a corner, there would be a fantastic rock formation, or a view.  The point of this trail was to wind in and out around the Hughes River and finally to reach an overlook of the dam.  The hike and the river were fantastic, but the dam was just a dam.

In general, the trail was well-blazed, except around the dam area.  If it weren't for Becky and her amazing sense of direction, we might still be wandering around trying to find our way out.  Going out, we hiked through more woods, crossed a stream, and in general just had the nicest of times.  I plan on taking the family there soon.

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